VoxelDance Additive

£2,000.00 - £12,308.00 HTVA

A powerful 3D printing build preparation software. Enhances large format printing on Liquid Crystal Titan and Magna. Optimised VDK geometry engine and streamlined workflow allows rapid print build preparation with unparalleled print success.

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Importer votre format de fichier

Supporte presque tous les formats de fichiers ; Fichiers CLI(*.cli), Fichiers SLC(*.slc), STL(*.stl), 3D Manufacturing Format(*.3mf), Fichiers WaveFront OBJ(*.obj), 3DExperience(*.CATPart), AUTOCAD(*.dxf, *.dwg), IGES(*.igs, *.iges), fichiers Pro/E/Cro(*.prt, *.asm), fichiers Rhino(*.3dm), fichiers SolidWorks(*.sldprt, *.sldasm,*.slddrw), fichiers STEP(*.stp, *.step) etc.

Réparez votre fichier

Powerful fix tools creating perfect data, delivering perfect printing. Identifies file errors and automatically repairs with a click

Outils d'orientation

Orientation reduces manual operation improving process efficiency and quality assurance.

Emboîtez vos pièces

Automatically nests parts in 2D/3D, providing multiple placement options including x:y axis orientation, blade direction, and platform layout alignment.

Supports multiples

Powerful support types compatible with Titan and Magna build process with bar, point, line, block and smart support.

Enhance with hatches

Generate slices and add hatches with a click and export sliced file. Integrated visualisation interface allows easy checking of slices and hatches.

Types de soutien





