Crystalliser is our new printer control software with significantly enhanced features to print faster, provide greater control of the print process and deliver a better user experience.
First time install
If the machine is not yet running Crystalliser, please follow the guide below. This process will only need to be done once. Future updates will use the normal method.
Crystalliser is currently only available for first time install for LC Opus and LC Magna V.2. LC Titan already has Crystalliser installed.
1. This process will delete any files on the machine already. Ensure copies of all important files are backed up.
2. Download the corresponding .img file for the machine from here
3. Switch off and unplug the power from the machine.
4. Remove the microSD card from the machine. Ensure the power cable is unplugged first and follow the steps detailed in these videos to access the microSD card.
If the machine is already running Crystalliser, please download the latest update file, load it onto the machine and press software update.
5. Download and install an SD card flasher such as Balena Etcher from here
6. Follow the instructions in the flashing software to write the .img file to the MicroSD card.
7. Safely eject the MicroSD card from your PC.
8. Once complete, replace the MicroSD card into the machine and put the panel back.
9. Power on the machine. Follow the on-screen instructions to input the machine serial number into the software. It is crucial this is done correctly.
10. Follow the normal update process to update the machine to the latest version of Crystalliser.
Photocentric Studio – Crystalliser
To fully utilise Crystalliser software, you must install new Printer Profiles in Photocentric Studio.
To install the new crystalliser printer profiles, follow these steps:
1. Go to configuration -> Machine -> Add machines.
2. Select the appropriate printer model from the following options:
– Liquid Crystal Magna V.2 Crystalliser
– Liquid Crystal Magna V.2 Crystalliser – Slotted Platform
– Liquid Crystal Opus Crystalliser
3. After downloading the studio profile, you’ll need to download the PFP converter, which will enable you to convert your CWS files to CRS profile.
Once the printer is updated to crystalliser, it will no longer be able to accept .CWS files.
Crystalliser Release Notes
V2.0.4 - 02/09/24
Minimum previous version required: 2.0.2
- Optimized Core Module Logs: Significantly reduced read/write operations on the hard drive, improving overall performance.
- Resin Management Improvements: Logs are now more efficient.
- Crash Diagnostics: Added logging for RAM and root partition utilization during printing to provide extra data in case of unexpected crashes.
- Boot Fix: Resolved occasional white screen on boot.
- G4 S Command: Corrected the timing issue, ensuring it runs for seconds as intended.
- Advanced Networking: Added the ability to set a static IP address.
- Log Spam Fix: Addressed log spam caused by the wiringpi library update in version 2.0.3
- UI Improvement: Fixed the routine contents area not scrolling on smaller screens.
- Logs Relocation: Moved the logs section to the settings page for improved accessibility and organization
- CO2 Data Display: Carbon footprint data is now displayed at the end of the print process. For any machines with a current sensor.
- Device Ready Checklist for Titan: Introduced a comprehensive checklist to ensure the Titan printer is ready for operation and reduce the risk of starting a print before the machine is ready. Once the checklist is completed, jobs are able to be started remotely unless the door is opened – in which case the checklist needs the be redone.
- Camera Live Feed: Added support for a live camera feed to enhance real-time monitoring capabilities.
Crystalliser for Magna/Opus >
Crystalliser for Titan >
Magna v.2 .img file >
Opus .img file >
V2.0.2 - 30/04/24
LC Titan Minimum previous version required: 2.0.1
LC Magna/Opus Minimum previous version required: 2.0.0-beta.3-internal
- Fixed an issue where blank g-code lines from some slicers cause time outs for 3 minutes.
- Improved initial boot up screen for first initialisation.
Crystalliser for Magna/Opus >
Crystalliser for Titan >
Magna v.2 .img file >
Opus .img file >
V2.0.0 - 02/02/24
New features:
- First release of Crystalliser for Magna v.2, Titan, Opus and Opus12K printers.
- Timelapse filming capabilities on all machines.
- We time the timelapse with each layer of the print to create a super smooth motion in the video. At the end of the print, the machine compresses all images into H.264 format and saves it in the files where you can access it.
- To use the time lapse feature, plug a camera into a USB port on the front or back of the machine before turning the machine on.
- The camera needs to be UVC compliant, and it supports up to 1920 x 1080px resolution in portrait mode. The LC Titan comes with a camera pre-installed.
- Important: Do not unplug the camera mid print – it will cause a software crash and the print to fail. If you unplug the camera at any point, please restart the machine.
- Smoother file management, add and remove files as you need.
- New web UI. If using the same network as the machine, simply type in the IP address or the hostname followed by “/” or “./” depending on your network. You can upload/download files, monitor and control the machine remotely.
- New .crs file format which is the native format for crystalliser and adds expansion for planned new features
- *.cws files are still compatible with Crystalliser. You should install the Print File Processor and use the crystalliser machine profiles to create these .crs files. Other Photocentric Studio profiles will work but will take longer to process on the machine.
- Overhauled routines for maintenance and calibration.
- Easier software updates meaning no more removing the SD card. Future software updates will be distributed as a .swu file which can be loaded onto the machine from a USB or the web UI.
- Network management and settings.
- Subpixel rendering for OPUS12K
- The OPUS12K screen has monochrome pixels that think they are Red, Green and Blue but are actually all transparent. By slicing the images wider and then compressing them, enables the correct colour to be displayed in that pixel relative to the spatial location of the coloured subpixel. This enables to resolve at 3x the resolution in one axis.
- REST API for remote monitoring, connection to MES software or wider production ecosystems. For documentation of our API, please contact [email protected]
- More reliable pause, resume and cancel functionality that reduces risk of print failure or defect.
- Support for material level sensing and pumping on LC Titan.
- Log data export for easier service debugging.
- Support for other slicers
- Print File Processor software enables our machines to accept files from Photocentric Studio and Voxeldance Photocentric Edition.
Performance Improvements:
- Rewritten front end in a more efficient architecture creating a much more responsive and refreshed UI
- Faster printing through optimised software timings and streamlined processing
- LC OPUS – 10-15% speed increase
- LC Magna v.2 – 5-10% speed increase
Print File Processor
To make the most of the new software, you need to install our Print File Processor (PFP) software. This will convert your sliced files to .crs to be used by Crystalliser (Windows only).
PFP for Photocentric Studio
Photocentric Studio automatically uses PFP when the Crystalliser machine profiles are used.
PFP for External Slicers
Install the Print File Processor software and use it to convert sliced files from Voxeldance.