News & Resources

Bohanna Art meticulously craft sculptures and art pieces with LC Magna

Bohanna Art meticulously craft sculptures and art pieces with LC Magna

Advantages of Deploying 3D Printing for Props Design and Production

Advantages of Deploying 3D Printing for Props Design and Production

VXL Technologies helps Railex increase functionality and efficiency of garment conveyor system

VXL Technologies helps Railex increase functionality and efficiency of garment conveyor system

Wurtec’s Additive Manufacturing Breakthroughs with LC Magna

Wurtec’s Additive Manufacturing Breakthroughs with LC Magna

Photocentric solutions have opened up new possibilities and markets New Era

Photocentric solutions have opened up new possibilities and markets New Era

HighTemp DL401 resin – designed for printing injection moulding tooling

HighTemp DL401 resin – designed for printing injection moulding tooling

Grisport is an innovative Italian shoe manufacturer who wanted to improve their margins and go to market quicker

Grisport is an innovative Italian shoe manufacturer who wanted to improve their margins and go to market quicker

Leading 3D Print Supplier Takes Delivery of Photocentric’s Liquid Crystal Titan

Leading 3D Print Supplier Takes Delivery of Photocentric’s Liquid Crystal Titan

What you should know about the cost of 3D printing large parts

What you should know about the cost of 3D printing large parts

Photocentric Lead Industry 4.0 Discussion Panel with Make UK

Photocentric Lead Industry 4.0 Discussion Panel with Make UK

Welcoming Innovators into the In-orbit Manufacturing Accelerator

Welcoming Innovators into the In-orbit Manufacturing Accelerator